Missionary Journal – July 19, 1989

my missionary journal

Day 50 of my full-time mission
Area: Afton, Wyoming

We didn’t get a whole lot done today tracting or teaching-wise. I got to study a lot, though. I wrote my talk for Sunday. Boy, that was fun. I can’t wait to give it.

I got three letters: one from Sister Anderson, one from Elder Marquis, and one from Kevin, my freshman-year roommate at the Y. He’s sent his papers in now, and I can’t wait to see where he goes.

Tonight, we had a good correlation meeting with ward missionaries in Afton. We’ll get things going as a team. They’re on the right track. In time, things will be moving along quickly here. I believe. I have faith.

My Scripture: Alma 11:42-43 — …the death of Christ shall loose the bands of this temporal death, that all shall be raised from this temporal death.

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