Publishing my full-time missionary journal

empty journal

From my home study of the New Testament this year, as part of the Come Follow Me curriculum by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I had an idea…

Why not publish my 1989 to 1991 full-time missionary journals on my blog?

Reading the stories of Paul’s journey spreading the gospel gave me the idea that I could also share my experience sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

There may be some personal or private information in my missionary journals — about the family or people I met on my mission — that I may not include, but I can certainly share the majority of my journals.

I wrote in my journal every day, or pretty close to that. It was a commitment I made to myself when I began my full-time missionary service.

I may also share my letters to my mission president — because I’ve got all of them too.

So, we’ll see how long it takes for me to digitize the journals and some photos from those two years.

I’ll back-date the posts, so they’re the day they were initially written, and I’ll categorize them under Utah Ogden Mission.

This will be interesting.

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