Publishing my full-time missionary journal

From my home study of the New Testament this year, as part of the Come Follow Me curriculum by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I had an idea…
Why not publish my 1989 to 1991 full-time missionary journals on my blog?
Reading the stories of Paul’s journey spreading the gospel gave me the idea that I could also share my experience sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There may be some personal or private information in my missionary journals — about the family or people I met on my mission — that I may not include, but I can certainly share the majority of my journals.
I wrote in my journal every day, or pretty close to that. It was a commitment I made to myself when I began my full-time missionary service.
I may also share my letters to my mission president — because I’ve got all of them too.
So, we’ll see how long it takes for me to digitize the journals and some photos from those two years.
I’ll back-date the posts, so they’re the day they were initially written, and I’ll categorize them under Utah Ogden Mission.
This will be interesting.