We had a very fun birthday week with Dominic. The friends and family that came over Monday night for cake and ice cream and the horseback riding Thursday night were both very memorable and fun.
Dominic is such a potty trouper. He just decided last week to start using the toilet. Since Monday morning he has been wearing big boy underwear and we’ve only had one minor accident. Because of our experience with Eliana taking what seemed like a year to become potty trained, we’re not holding our breath. But it looks like Dominic may be just about there. What a big little boy!
Last week Vickey and I met with a member of our stake presidency who’s over our ward’s elders quorum — that’s the group of adult men, usually between the ages of 19 and 40- or 50-something. I’ve been president of that group since Dominic was born, and I was in the presidency for a year plus before that, about five years running. (I was also in an elders quorum presidency when I was in college at BYU.)
At any rate, my term has now come to an end. I was released today and my first counselor was called and sustained as the new quorum president.
I felt a tinge of sadness last week, knowing the associations I had with other leaders of the ward would be drawing to a close. Then this morning as I got up early in preparation for my 7 a.m. meeting I was just so happy that it was the last time in the foreseeable future I’d be attending that meeting.
But, like my father-in-law said last week, “watch out!” I know I’m up for a new assignment now. In fact, our ward’s first counselor turned to me this morning in the 7 a.m. meeting and told me he needed to speak with me in a few hours about a new calling. I told him I was taking a break and to call me later. Of course everyone laughed.
One of the strengths of the LDS Church is its lay leadership. We don’t have a paid clergy on the local level.
It’s my understanding that once you’re a general authority of the Church, with a lifelong calling (and that’s less than a few dozen people), you’re assigned a position on a board of directors or something like that for one of the Church’s for-profit ventures. So in a sense, some of our leaders are paid. But they’re not paid from tithing funds collected from members.
It’s a testament to the Christianity of the LDS faith and its members that they so willingly accept callings and assignments to be of service to fellow parishioners and neighbors. As a Book of Mormon prophet recorded, “…when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).
It has been a privilege working alongside of some very supportive quorum counselors and secretaries. True, serving in that capacity meant I was privy to a lot of information that carried with it the burden of worrying about individuals and families, and helping many, often in very difficult circumstances. But as I like to tell the kids, “What would Jesus do?”
If we could all live in a way as to make choices and engage in activities in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ, we’d be doing just fine.
I have a strong sense of gratitude and love for the men and families in our ward’s elders quorum. I’ll look forward to serving with many of them in various capacities in the future.
Our family is blessed by a wonderfully supportive and caring group of fellow church goers. I’m certain we wouldn’t still be here without that support system.
Finally, to Matt, my former first counselor and now elders quorum president — I’m looking forward to supporting you in your new role. I know you’ll continue to be a great example and do many good things in the lives of quorum members.
I can think of a few new callings for you. I suspect you will deserve what you get.
enjoy your break – I'm sure it will be brief and you will long for the EQP days.