Hang the new Utah state flag vertically with the blue on the viewer’s left
Archive | Resources
RSSTurn your blog into a book
0This is a cool service. It takes your blog and automatically creates a book. It’s called Blurb. Basically, it makes your blog an electronic scrapbook. Pretty cool.
Dell computer discount
1If you’re in the market for a new computer, I’ve got some good discount coupons for a new Dell system. They expire May 28. Just let me know if you’d like to use one of the coupons. I have several.
Family photo albums from MyPublisher
0We were introduced to a company that takes your personal photos and creates books. We decided to try it out for mother’s and father’s day this year. Both sets of grandparents received a Pete and Vickey Codella Family Photo Album with photos from 2007. Happy Mother’s Day! The books turned out great. The quality is […]