Missionary Journal – July 17, 1989

my missionary journal

Day 48 of my full-time mission
Area: Afton, Wyoming

This afternoon I got three great letters! One from my Mom. One from Angie (my sister). And one from Laura. They were all really terrific.

I’m still having a rough time dealing with my answer. I just don’t understand why I can’t communicate.

I got up at 6:30 a.m. and studied in the scriptures for two hours before Gatlin got up. I really do love the scriptures. I just must not have faith.

We did a super neat thing today. The second-best time I’ve had since I’ve been out here in Ogden. The first was the mission conference. But this was sure fun. We rode our bikes up to Intermittent Springs. It’s the longest one in the world and supplies Afton with water. We had to hike the last three-quarters of a mile. It was so neat! I took quite a few pictures. These mountains are a lot different than the ones in New York. When you see pretty things like that, you know someone smarter than yourself had to make them.

Tonight, we ate dinner with a family at the campgrounds: the Allreds — all the brothers and sisters who live around the area — about 20 people. It was really fun. Elder Gatlin wore jeans, but I felt I should follow the rules, so I wore proselyting clothes. People did ask him why he was in jeans. You know, I think maybe he just likes to be noticed.

Maybe that’s why he pops wheelies and goofs off – shows off, so much. I do know that he doesn’t really care about being home with his family. And to me, they’re the ones I miss the most. Laura asked me in her letter if he really even wanted to be on a mission. I’m not sure. I’ll try to be a friend, though.

The clothing incident separated us and then at the Sutters, he wanted to stay and watch Miami Vice, and I said, “Let’s go.” He may be a little upset at my attempt to follow the rules, but I’ve got to try to do what I know is right.

I really expressed concern about my prayer problems to Mom and Dad. I hope they have some good advice. Maybe I’m just unrighteously seeking for a sign.

They told me that they’re getting some of my Dad’s parents’ things — some china, a dining room set, and a chandelier — sent to them this year.

Today’s scripture is perfect for me. I guess I’ll pray and ask again tonight.

My Scripture: James 1:5 — If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God…

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