A booster seat for Dominic

The high chair fastened to the table grew out of fashion for Dominic several weeks ago. He kicked up quite a huge fuss every time we tried putting him in there. He wanted to sit at the table like Eliana—like he imitates just about everything Ellie does, silly kid.

With the remaining birthday money Dominic received, we decided the most useful thing would be to get him a booster seat. Our phone book was destroyed so we figured it was time to break down and get a real booster seat. He loves climbing up in his own chair and refuses any help. What an independent little cuss.

Yesterday Vickey had a regional Pampered Chef meeting so I took the kiddies with me to Costco to shop for office supplies then to my office. I put things away (which Dominic un-put away) and did a little computer work while Eliana and Dominic watched a movie.

Ellie did great and even kept tabs on Dominic half of the time. The other half of the time Dominic was holding down the levers on the water cooler emptying water into the tray and all over the floor, picking up the Windex from the work shelves and spraying everything, and dropping potato chip and pretzel crumbs all over the carpet.

Needless to say, when we left I practically had to clean the whole office. But I was able to accomplish a handful of things, so overall it was productive.

We went swimming at the Coglianeses yesterday afternoon, a summer Saturday tradition.

I attended a stake baptism last night while Vickey bathed the kids. When I returned we had family movie night. First a kids’ movie, then bedtime for them. Then Vickey and I watched Miss Potter, a well-done movie of the romance genre. It skews to the ‘chick flick’ classification, but I admit even I enjoyed it.

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  1. Angie Faraci says:

    Sounds like Vance…I was trying to sweep and mop the kitchen floor last week from my rolling office chair. BUT Vance had better ideas: throw the fridge magnets on the floor, take all the pots and pan off the shelves and ont the floor, get into the lazy susan and throw cans and food on the floor…etc…
    Seems like Vance and Dominic can be called “Captain Destructo”. At least that is Vance’s new name and I say it like the old cartoon “Capatin Caveman…”

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