Dominic’s Christmas tricycle

A couple weeks ago we unpackaged Dominic’s new tricycle he got for Christmas. After he broke his leg I wasn’t planning on buying the trike we had planned to get him, but Grandma Snow suggested we should go ahead and get it so he could use it once he got out of his cast. Turns out, it was a good idea and provides good physical therapy for him.

It was Dominic’s gift from Grandma and Grandpa Codella.

The trike is really well-designed. It’s a Radio Flyer and has a handle that an adult can use to both steer and push the trike, while the pedals on the front wheel will stay in place instead of always rotating with the wheel. Like I said, it’s a clever design.

Dominic has taken it out for a spin a few times these past couple of weeks. He’s still not great at pedaling himself, but he enjoys the activity and we can steer and push him along using the handle.

Here are a few photos of the assembly and Big D riding his new trike.

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