Happy Birthday Dominic
So today was the big number two for Dominic, 7/7/07, the luckiest day of the century. The morning was full of activity as we prepared for his birthday party. He even got to go shopping with Grandma Snow who of course treated him to some extra special gifts, and some for Eliana too.
We welcomed our friends and neighbors who came bearing very generous gifts for a lunchtime party. We had a great time. It was chaotic and fun and messy and all the things that a two year-old’s birthday party should be. We have too much leftover food though.
Dominic didn’t quite get the whole gift unwrapping thing. He loved the first truck he got and didn’t want anything to do with any other gifts. It took some convincing from Vickey to get him to participate in opening other gifts. Then again, he was so suffocated with all the other kiddies it’s an amazing feat he was able to move his arms enough to open any gift wrapped item. He got some fun new toys that we’ll all enjoy.
Our gift to him was a new twin bed. Mark helped me take down the crib after the shindig and set up the new bed frame. Later I picked up the new mattress from the furniture store and with bedding as a birthday gift from Grandma Snow, tonight Dominic’s sleeping in his big boy bed and without a binky.
All these changes for a little guy just may be too much to handle. We’ll see. I’ve been fighting him for half an hour now to stay in his bed and his room and to go to sleep. I don’t hear crying anymore, so perhaps he’s getting the picture.
Vickey said she’s glad she’ll be in Chicago for a few days at the annual Pampered Chef conference so I can wean him from the binky and help him become accustomed to sleeping in a twin bed with the mattress a good three feet off the floor.
Late this afternoon we went to the Coglianese home for Lauren’s twelfth birthday party. Her birthday is actually tomorrow and she enters young women at church; no more primary for Lauren. She just made the cut-off for girls camp which starts on Monday.
We enjoyed swimming, a barbeque, opening gifts and karaoke by a dozen pubescent girls. I actually had to excuse myself after dinner to attend to some Elders Quorum business, but Eliana and Dominic both seemed to enjoy themselves and the second round of birthday cake.
Dominic is a dare devil in the pool. He was jumping from off their ledge into the pool, regardless of who was there to catch him. With his life jacket on he manages to keep his balance, kick his legs and move his arms so he can just about motor around the pool to anywhere he wants. He got sentenced to time out once because he kept jumping into the hot tub where he was told not to jump because of all the cement benches and shallow water. He’s a stubborn swimmer, a trait that I’m sure will manifest itself in other activities down the road.
Dominic didn’t get a nap today because of all the activity. Let’s hope that helps him feel extra tired and sleep steady and still. Otherwise we may have to break down and purchase those kid friendly rails that go on twin beds to keep them from sleep falling (it’s like sleep walking, only it entails falling off the bed onto the floor, not walking around the house). We’ll keep you posted on his big boy bed progress and let you know if there are any bumps in the night followed by screaming.
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[…] as he was trying out his new bed (for the definition of sleep falling, read at the bottom of my previous post). He fell twice the first night and once the second night. He hasn’t fallen since, […]