Missionary Journal – July 13, 1989

my missionary journal

Day 44 of my full-time mission
Area: Afton, Wyoming

It’s 1:30 p.m. We went to a district meeting this morning. It’s always great for me to be able to see other missionaries. The zone leaders were there too so we heard some things from Ogden. They’ve pulled the missionaries out of Bolivia now. I guess they’ve had their chance, huh?

Elder Gatlin and I talked for about an hour last night. We mentioned a few things about each other, but basically just related stories. We’re getting along much better and I’m pretty happy with that. But I wish we could do more here. We need to work.

We played volleyball this morning at 6 a.m. (just like Tuesday), and it was so much fun! We’re going to go as long as they keep playing in the morning. I can’t find my Nike stretch pants. I must have lost them somewhere, and I’m mad! Either I left them in the MTC laundry room, or the one across the street.

I got a letter from John. He’s doing really good, it sounds like. I sure do like him. He’s a great bud!

Well, it’s 9:45 p.m. now. We’ve been pretty busy since lunch. We dove into the area book. I’m so happy. I really feel like we’ve done some good. We’ve thrown out a lot of extra paper stuff. Plus, much nicer than old ones. Of course, I’d make a few changes now, but they do look good. We did them with a typewriter and they look real professional. Not as nice as something I could’ve done on a computer, but that’s alright.

Gatlin and I are really getting along well. We tease each other a lot. It’s always good to have a laugh and not get too serious. When we’re done with this area book, we’ll be the talk of the mission!

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