Missionary Journal – June 19, 1989
Day 20 of my full-time mission
Area: Afton, Wyoming
Today was our last day of full classes. We did a lot of review and just talking about missions. I’m excited! We went over all the discussions and their basic principles.
There are a lot of mission presidents and their wives here now. The general authorities will be here tomorrow and Wednesday. In fact, we may even hear from the prophet tomorrow sometime. It’s neat being in the middle of the church. Out east you miss that, yet I’m glad I grew up out there.
Our room is half-empty and it’s weird not to have Humphries and Skelton around. I miss them.
I really feel frustrated because I haven’t had time to sit down and organize all the things that have been given to me. I guess it’ll wait until I get into the mission field.
Man, this work is great. I’ll do my best to stay on top. It’s just hard when you know you’re taking off. I’ll get organized and studied-up in Ogden, I guess.
My scripture: 2 Nephi 9:6 — The resurrection must needs come unto man by reason of the fall