One more Saturday before Christmas
I just can’t believe we’re at the end of 2007 and that Christmas is a week from Tuesday. This year has really flown by.
I spent my morning today working in the flowerbeds, trimming bushes, fixing irrigation and adding weed barrier (this wasn’t done by our ‘professional landscaper’). Seeing as how it’s been about 15 months since our front yard was re-landscaped you can tell how on top of things I am. But at least I’ve only got one more area of the front yard to re-do. Then the flowerbeds will be as good as it gets for what we’ve got to work with.
By the time I finished playing in the front yard Vickey had left for her Pampered Chef show. She was gone all afternoon.
Dominic sat outside with me and watched me work for a while. I think the fresh air and sunlight is good for him. He fits okay in the double jogging stroller, but his hips are too wide for his regular stroller and the single jogging stroller.
He really wanted to help me hose down the rock once the flowerbed was put back together but I had visions of the water going all over his cast so he didn’t get to help, just to watch.
Eliana took off to play with the Coglianese kids so after cleaning up Dominic and I went inside. He watched a couple movies and played on his tummy for a brief stint.
I made Russian Chocolate Cookies, a Codella family tradition, as well as some double chocolate cookies. I plan to deliver some of them to my home teaching families (friends in our church).
Shortly after Eliana returned from playing the postal carrier dropped off a box from Grandma and Grandpa Codella. It contained some presents and Christmas gifts. One of the presents for the kids to have now was a Pink Panther animated movie. Eliana asked to watch it tonight before bedtime so we put it in.
Dominic began laughing pretty hard so I decided to film him. He was getting a real kick out of the movie. So, here it is…
Last night Dominic and I got our hair cut and tonight I took Eliana in for a trim, so all of us are freshly groomed for the big holiday.
A friend of ours is coming to sit with Dominic in the morning so we can go to sacrament meeting as a family (minus Dominic). I’ll come home and be with him while Vickey teaches gospel doctrine and Eliana enjoys her primary class.
It’s crunch time this week for our ward choir as we prepare for our Christmas program on Dec. 23. I’ve got a little solo in the choir and Vickey’s giving a short talk. So, if you’re in town and care to attend sacrament meeting at 11 a.m. with us, you’re invited!
Merry Christmas everyone! Here’s to hoping that most of your Christmas shopping is already done and that you’re able to enjoy the upcoming holidays.