PC2 on nationally syndicated radio today

Today I stumbled upon an opportunity as managing editor of Blogging Vegas.

I wrote a short story about the NBA referee who’s being investigated by the FBI for betting on games he was refereeing. What a sad story. Glad I’m not the crisis manager for the NBA.

About 20 minutes later the Blogging Vegas phone rang and a representative from the Tammy Bruce show, a syndicated Fox News radio show that airs locally on Fox News 1280 AM, asked if I would be willing to be interviewed by Tammy about the developing news story and provide my insight from a Las Vegas perspective.

I agreed and had about 30 minutes to prepare for the interview. The interview lasted all of about five minutes, but it was sure fun, a real rush.

We weren’t able to record it live because our tech guru, Dave, was in a client meeting at the time. But we’re expecting a copy of the segment from Talk Radio Network, the Oregon-based producers of Tammy’s show.

Then about an hour after the interview, the producer for Tammy’s show called to ask if I’d be willing to be interviewed occasionally on the show. He said they really liked how the interview went and that they were looking for someone to comment on stories, specifically those related to Las Vegas, and bring attention to things happening in Las Vegas that people around the country may not be aware of.

Talk about a great opportunity for the 18 month-old Blogging Vegas network. Of course, I said, “Yes.”

I’ll keep you posted and provide a link to today’s interview when it’s available.

AFJ by PJC2! (Explanation: this is my adaptation of a frequently used quote from Grandpa Codella—“Another fine job by…” insert your initials.)

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