Happy birthday Sir Tank Thunderpaw
Today is Tank’s fifth birthday. He celebrated with the usual Sunday routine, chillin’ in his crate for most of the day while we were at church and the Coglianese home for dinner.
He did get to run around the neighborhood tonight after dinner, once it had cooled to a reasonable temperature (around 100). I put on my rollerblades and went street skiing with him.
I spent most of the day yesterday doing some deep cleaning upstairs. I focused on our bedroom and bathroom. I told Vickey I needed to go to a de-clutter zone and regroup for a while.
You should see how packed the kids’ rooms are with toys and whatnot—things they likely wouldn’t miss if they never saw them again. I even have a 30 gallon garbage bag full of toys in Dominic’s room, just waiting to be donated. But I’d probably get in trouble for giving them away.
So, I’ll just think happy, sanitary, clean, organized thoughts and not obsess about reality.
Yes, it’s true. I’m divulging my inner battle with OCD. But it’s not like it’s a secret to anyone who knows me.
At any rate, happy birthday Tank! We’ll have to do presents and cake tomorrow.
From Madeline in VT:
Your Grandma Elenora always used to say, "Every dog has his DAY." Well, Tank is certainly having HIS DAY!" But we all know that Elenora's saying means something else…
Nonetheless, it gives us PAWS to reflect on this favorite phrase of hers!
Mom C on the official UT Pioneer Day