Slowly taking shape
I spent some time this evening browsing WordPress themes to get our family blog more set-up. It’s amazing how many hundreds of available designs there are. Let’s hear it for open source code.
I’ve been updating the family blog for an hour now and I’m really tired, so I’m headed to bed.
Tonight Vickey had a TPC open house here to help boost her May sales. I took both kids and Tank to the park to watch Chris Swan’s baseball game (he’s our home teacher’s son). Then we went to the Swan’s for a pizza and pool party.
Both Eliana and Dominic earned points from the Swans for uninhibited swimming. They couldn’t believe what ‘fish’ our children are. Oh, how right they are. One time tonight I had to rush to rescue Dominic’s floating body from just past the pool steps because he just couldn’t stand to stay on the wet deck, he wanted to be in the pool with Ellie. Hopefully by next summer he’ll be swimming.
Following swimming and dinner we watched an old episode of Gidget in their back yard. It’s amazing how Sally Field looked and acted the same, just younger. They set-up their computer and a projector and screen and have outdoor backyard movies in the summer. Very fun!
Steve told me not to let on to the elders quorum that he’s in to watching Gidget. I guess now the cat’s out of the bag. Sorry, Steve. You can just say it was for my benefit; that watching Gidget was more entertaining to the Codellas than the ‘stupid surf movie’ we saw last week.