Summer cabin fever
For our family vacation this year we choose a week at the Snow family cabin at Bryant’s Fork near Strawberry Reservoir, about 30 miles southeast of Heber.
It’s a spot near and dear to Grandpa Snow as his father and he used to hang out together in that neck of the woods.
Our activities included: gathering used bird’s nests, trying to get rid of bats living under the roof of the porch, applying a new coat of stain/varnish to the flagpole and front porch railings, going on walks around “the loop,” playing with new toys from the “go fishing” bag, eating lots of good food and snacks, gathering new logs for use at the edges of the driveway, investigating a possible leak and installing a new elbow vent at the community’s water storage tanks, and exploring at the reservoir. And I’m sure I left some things out.
Some of my favorite memories include beating Vickey and Gordon at games each night after the kids were in bed (I won 60 or 70% of them, I’d say), taking afternoon naps, eating whatever I wanted to and playing with the kids.
Tank was even very well behaved after the first night and had the time of his life romping in the woods.
Less memorable was the irritable bowel syndrome I was battling for the first half of the week and sinus infection that resulted from the explosion of allergens by the end of the week.
On the first Saturday we were there we battled the back to school shopping crowds at the outlets at Park City. Thanks to Grandma Snow for equipping Eliana with back to school clothes and treating us all to meals and paying for gas and all that. I think Grandma will work for another month to pay for all she spent on us this past week. 🙂
I have included a few photos here with more to follow later.