The 5 Browns
Months ago, as part of my BYU Alumni Association duties, I helped orchestrate an engagement for The 5 Browns to give a fireside in the Las Vegas Valley.
Tonight was the night and they did not disappoint. Neither did the alumni reps who helped spread the word. We packed a chapel and cultural hall on the west side of town, in the shadow of the Las Vegas Temple.
The 90 minute fireside provided an opportunity for all five Julliard-trained concern pianists to talk and play. Their parents also spoke.
They bore heartfelt testimonies and related experiences from growing up and recent years.
They’re in Las Vegas to perform at the Jerry Lewis Telethon tomorrow (around noon).
We had the opportunity of picking them up at the South Point Hotel and Casino tonight and driving them across town to the fireside chapel. Eliana went with me and was the life of the party. It took her about a minute to warm up to them and all the way out and all the way back she was singing Disney songs and talking with The 5 Browns – well, three of them at least.
She managed to endear herself to them pretty quickly.
Lisa Brown, the mom, told me to watch out because that’s how gregarious her children were at Ellie’s age.
I was truly impressed both by the level of talent and testimony, and by how down to earth the five siblings seem to be. They were very gracious and an absolute joy to meet.
Good luck to each of them, their combined career, and their individual lives! And thanks for dedicating your Sunday evening to sharing your testimonies and talents with the BYU alumni and friends in Vegas.