Whitney’s back!
Many events have transpired the past few weeks and month. I won’t even pretend I could catch up on the family blog.
But today marks a new chapter in my Whitney Houston experience. Her new album, I Look to You, is coming out Aug. 31 and my good friend, Carlos, forwarded me a single from the album.
Wow! She’s in good voice.
What I like most about the song, I Didn’t Know My Own Strength, is the message. It’s true that Whitney has made some poor choices. At the recent Grammy’s she couldn’t even put a sentence together. Living proof of what substance abuse does for you.
The song reminds me a little of tracks from The Preacher’s Wife album. And you can identify some of the cuts and takes they made in the song. But still, it’s contemporary, relevant and well-produced.
I’m so thankful she and her coaches have salvaged whatever there is left of her voice.
I’m so looking forward to her new album.
Music is always a great escape for me, especially when Whitney’s included in the composition.