Missionary Journal – July 5, 1989

my missionary journal

Day 36 of my full-time mission
Area: Afton, Wyoming

It’s 8:30 a.m. now. We slept until 8 again. I guess I turned my alarm off and fell back asleep. I am so aggravated with myself. I can’t even follow the simple rule to get up on time.

This whole thing is depressing me. I prayed for a while this morning. I need some strength and encouragement to do what’s right. I only wish my companion would comply with more rules. That would help me. Instead, I find I’m slipping. I can’t do that. I’ve made the decision to be the best missionary I can be and I’m not going to let someone else get in my way.

That’s selfish, hu? Well, I’m trying to set a good example and be obedient. I just don’t think my companion cares. Last night he called home at about 11:30 p.m. and talked for probably two hours.

Anyway, I’m trying. And I’ll try harder. Heavenly Father, I need your help.

Today wasn’t actually too bad. We did study together and I did myself too this morning. I got a letter from John. He loves his mission and companion. He says the work is great. I’m glad he’s happy.

We got to visit with a few members today. Bro. Bowin, who recently visited the east, and stopped in Jackson, Missouri. He ran into Sis. Olson from Bountiful and found out she wasn’t too happy because her companion wasn’t a great missionary. I can relate. So, tonight, I wrote her a letter and told her she wasn’t the only one, but that we both had a purpose, and to keep praying. I hope it encourages her a little.

We went to a correlation meeting in Thayne. They have good intentions but really need to do something!

We had a nice dinner appointment tonight at the Andrew’s. They’re nice people. They’ve got a son in Idaho on his mission. I hope I can get my parents as excited about missionary work as they are because their son’s on a mission.

We’re having a district meeting tomorrow! Yeah!

We went to Sabrina’s today. She came to church Sunday. I got to talk to her and she basically told me she wanted to take things at her own pace and get baptized when she was ready. She said the only thing holding her back was smoking. I hope she’ll see the light and decide to do it. We just need to support her. We showed her “Together Forever” and she said she’d really like to be married in the temple.

Well, I’ll keep trying to stay exactly obedient. I love the Lord, and if I can bring just one soul unto Him in these two years — truly help convert someone — I’ll be happy!

My Scripture: Mosiah 3:19 — The natural man is an enemy to God

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