Missionary Journal – June 11, 1989

Day 12 of my full-time mission
Area: Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah
I just came back from a large group meeting on the Savior. They always say that His life and atonement is the most basic gospel principle. They’re right.
My patriarchal blessing tells me that as I seek for a divine reassurance of the Savior and His sacrifice and love for me, I will receive a rich outpouring of faith. More and more, I start to cry when I think or sing about Him. It really is true that this is His church and that through Him we may receive eternal life, which is my goal.
I’m making a goal today to begin reading the four gospels to find out more about His life and sacrifice. I already love Him dearly and know that through His grace I may be saved.
People are right, through a mission and devoting two years of your life to the Lord you truly learn more of His plan for you and His love for you. You begin to realize just how extremely important it is to live your life in righteousness and you develop the skills and talents necessary to do so.
My patriarchal blessing also tells me that, “[I] will develop all the talents necessary for a full life among a wicked and perverse generation.” What a blessing! …so long as I remain worthy.
It’s 9:30 now and I’m pretty tired. I’m really tired of going to meetings and classes.
I read Matthew for an hour or so this afternoon. It’s really exciting to read in the scriptures. I love them!
My scripture: 2 Nephi 2:25 — Men are that they might have joy