Missionary Journal – June 25, 1989

Day 26 of my full-time mission
Area: Afton, Wyoming
I just realized I haven’t been writing down my daily scripture. Bad boy! But, I have had one almost every day. Yesterday was “The Standard of Truth” though — a quote from Joseph Smith.
Church went really good today. They had us sit on the stand. We went to the Osmond Ward. We were invited to the Lancaster’s for dinner and stayed there and visited for a few hours. He’s a stake missionary. We home taught for a while with him too. He’s a really neat guy. I’m really impressed by the members in this valley.
Tonight we had two appointments to show “How Rare A Possession.” The second one fell through thought and we’ve rescheduled for tomorrow night. Elder Gatlin is frustrating me because most appointments he keeps in his head and then he goes and double schedules us because he doesn’t remember stuff. I can tell I’ll have to do the organizing, but it’s rough when he does stuff I don’t know about. But I still love him. I miss the relationships I had at the MTC. I can’t wait to serve with one of those elders.
I wrote seven letters today and have a lot more to do still.
Tomorrow’s preparation day and we have a lot to accomplish.
We worked with a guy named Peter tonight; showed him the video. He is a psychologist here in town and he’s learning about the church so he can better serve his clients. He’s really approaching this intellectually, which is frustrating because he won’t let the spirit touch him. He’ll be a rough one to get to because he’s well educated.
I’m so happy to be here though. As I was writing Randy Boothe, I realized I’ve got two years to serve the Lord the best I can and he’ll help me if I follow His commands. I love my Heavenly Father so much. I know this work is true because I know the Book of Mormon is true, so this church is and Joseph Smith did, indeed, restore the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth. I’ll be eternally indebted to Him.
My scripture: 2 Nephi 31:13 — Follow the Son with full purpose of heart