Missionary Journal – June 26, 1989

my missionary journal

Day 27 of my full-time mission
Area: Afton, Wyoming

Today was really a good day! We did sleep in, though, and it’s well after 11 p.m. now, so we haven’t been too obedient to that rule.

This morning, we cleaned the apartment and the car! They were both pretty dirty. That took a few hours. We spent another hour playing games at a member’s home, and then we came back to the apartment, and I wrote some letters. I mailed 11 letters today.

At 4 p.m., we played wallyball at a place in town. It was so cool. But I found out later we had to pay $4, so I don’t think we’ll do that again. It was a blast, though.

Tonight we had two appointments. Both were great. These people are so close to baptism. The first guy, Glenn, has been around Mormons all his life and even took the discussions around 10 years ago. After I found that out, I said, “So, what stopped you from being baptized?” He kind of stared at me and I knew I’d done it! But, he said, “I knew that would be asked eventually.” He said, “I have a people problem, and I’m not really ready to talk about it. Then, I just bore my testimony. I said, “Yes, unfortunately, there are bad people in the church, but we’re all human, and it’s up to us as individuals to exercise our free agency.”

The other situation that went till 11 p.m., was with the Call family, Jack and Amelia. Their kids are members, but they’re not. We showed “How Rare a Possession,” and afterward, had a long talk, which boiled down to, “Why should I join this church?” I then bore my testimony that Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to be happy, and if we sincerely ask, He’ll tell us what’s right. Jack came right out and said, “I know the Book of Mormon is true.” But he’s frustrated because his wife hasn’t really read it.

I’m excited! People are here that need to hear the message, and people here are in the conversion process. I’m about the greatest work on earth, and I love it!

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