Missionary Journal – July 2, 1989

my missionary journal

Day 33 of my full-time mission
Area: Afton, Wyoming

I love the sabbath! We got up on time and then did individual study. I wrote letters and organized stuff. I always make lists so I can get everything accomplished during the day. It helps us absent-minded people.

We went to Sunday school and priesthood at the 1st Ward and then met Sabrina, our investigator at the Osmond Ward for sacrament meeting. She came with her inactive husband and baby son. I think we could work on her and get her baptized. We’ll have to make sure she stops smoking first, of course. She’s had all the discussions, and Elder Gatlin and I have visited her two or three times.

We went to a few member’s homes today. We had dinner at one. It was great! Then, we went to the Hess’ again and talked about prospective investigators and ended up playing croquet, for my first time (and I won!), with the family and then had cake and ice cream. They’re a terrific family! I talked with them about interior décor for their new house. They may move-in in six weeks or so, so maybe we’ll get to help paint. Hey, it’s service, isn’t it?

We went on splits tonight. I went to a nice elderly couple’s home and talked about member missionary work. I could really feel the spirit, and I know they knew it’s important, and they’re trying.

I got four letters written today and worked on my missionary certification some more. I should be able to get it tomorrow.

I’m excited to go back to civilization!

My Scripture: Mosiah 2:17 — When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God

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