Missionary Journal – July 3, 1989
Day 34 of my full-time mission
Area: Afton, Wyoming
Today was sure fun! I got up at 5 a.m. and we left here at 6. We got to Ogden at 9 and stopped in at the office for a few things, then went bike shopping. I bought an Iguana 18-speed mountain bike for $340, which is more than I expected. It had better last! I like It!
We were a few minutes late for the opening meeting, but what I heard was excellent. We are a royal generation was the theme. It made me feel great to be here.
Elder Gatlin and I visited three or four people in Roy that he knows from being there. They are sure great people. They fed us lunch and dinner (two different people did). We got to watch a talent show, Indiana Jones, and then play around in a park until 8 p.m. After that, we had dinner and stayed in town until 9:30 or 10 p.m.
Man, Gatlin almost got us killed once, passing on a double yellow line and the guy turned left, right into us. We ended up off the road at 65 mph. I told him he had better slow down. Luckily, we made it home without hitting any deer or cars.
It was great to talk with my MTC friends. Pitcher forgot my tape, so he’s going to mail it. He seemed kind of distant. Marquis and I talked a lot. I guess he and Humphries will be my best friends out of that group.
I had a nice relaxing day, except while we were driving. I had to ignore the speed. At least my bike got here in one piece.
Now it’s a little after 1 a.m. Time for Bed!