Missionary Journal – June 16, 1989

my missionary journal

Day 17 of my full-time mission
Area: Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah

We just finished a testimony meeting in our class. The spirit was so strong here! Man, I love these guys so much, and I love our teacher, Sis. Bradley. She’s wonderful!

I love to feel the spirit. I love to know of truth, and truth is this gospel! It’s the plan of our Heavenly Father. It’s the mission of Jesus Christ. It’s the restored gospel on this earth.

I’m so thankful to Joseph Smith for his faithfulness. He enabled all of God’s children to return to Him again.

I’m just so happy right now!

There’s a saying I’ve heard here, “If you’re not happy, repent!” That’s so true.

Johnny stopped by tonight. My companion and I went over to his place and talked for 30-minutes. He’s concerned about Scott who I’ve also seen. In fact, we ate dinner together. He seems to be doing great to me, but John asked me to talk with him to see what was up. It was great talking with both of them today.

I’m very happy! I got three letters today: one from home, with my key chain oil case that I forgot; one from Julia S. and one from Kathy. Gina sent me a nice letter yesterday. My friends are awesome — old and new!

I met a guy in John’s ward from Jong Island, called to Ogden, leaving the same day as me. He went to the Y, last year and stayed in Deseret Towers! He was at youth conference in ’87 and can remember my floor show at youth conference. We’ve got a lot in common. He looks familiar. I’ll bet we become good friends.

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