Archive | Family


Aunt Sarah’s 80th birthday


The week after Ellie’s baptism we found ourselves at my Aunt Sarah’s 80th birthday party in Richfield. It has been years since we made it to my mom’s old stomping grounds in Richfield. It was nice to pay the little old town a visit. We spent the day there, along with my folks who were […]

Eliana’s baptism


It’s been almost a month now since Eliana was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’ve got a handful of photos and some thoughts I’d like to share about the event. Although we have moved out of the rental home in Bountiful, we choose to hold Ellie’s […]

Back To School


Today was Eliana’s back-to-school day. There was a morning assembly and then a short meeting with her teacher. I went and picked up all the instructions and information from the school since Vickey also started with her students this morning. It’s so weird that summer is gone! I snapped a few pictures while I was […]

Summer Quest


At the beginning of the summer I set a goal for myself: To be able to run without stopping from our home up to the top of the street that runs into Bountiful Boulevard, the highest, furthest eastern road in our neighborhood. It’s the street on which the LDS Bountiful Temple is situated. Tonight, I […]

Whitney’s back!


Many events have transpired the past few weeks and month. I won’t even pretend I could catch up on the family blog. But today marks a new chapter in my Whitney Houston experience. Her new album, I Look to You, is coming out Aug. 31 and my good friend, Carlos, forwarded me a single from […]